
Great tango: Aoniken Quiroga & Maria Filali

by | Sep 16, 2016 | 0 comments

This post is dedicated to Aoniquen Quiroga, a fab milonguero also proof that ability, and not body size, is what defines you as a tanguero. I am not sure of how many times I have watched this video since it was posted three years ago. The fun Aoniken and Maria are experiencing in this milonga is obvious and contagious ♥

Aoniken, from Buenos Aires, lives in Naples, Italy, where he is the Director of LasTangata Tango School. In an interview with Tango Magazine, Aoniken said that he and the other teachers don’t teach tango; they teach students to use their body to dance tango. And that we do dance tango only when we are able to feel ♥


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